Collaborating with living composers is at the core of Alexander Ishov’s performance practice. He writes about the way social structures mediate interactions between composers and performers within institutional spaces, and believes in fostering collaborative spaces that maximize co-ownership over musical materials



Offscreen (Alexander “Sasha” Ishov and Michael Jones) is a flute/percussion duo exploring the intersection of traditional instruments and technology. The duo explores subtle interventions in the connection between two performers of acoustic instruments, as well as the inner lives of objects made audible through the use of technology.


PrismaSonus is an audio research initiative exploring how microphone placement transforms the perception of flute techniques. The project explores the relationship between technology, technique, notation, and listening in electroacoustic collaborations, capturing how technology mediates performer-composer communication.

In 2023, PrismaSonus will unveil an interactive database of electronically-mediated flute techniques that will serve as a modern, interactive resource for flutists and composers exploring electroacoustic collaboration.

Technology and Design

Alexander Ishov is deeply interested in the communicative function of technology, exploring the intersection between interface design, accessible pedagogy, and electronics. Fueled by his desire to be a more effective, flexible, and empathetic music theory teacher, Alexander utilizes the latest innovations in educational music technology to create dynamic, personalized, and fun classroom environments.

From browser-based collaborative DAWs and interactive music theory textbooks, to low-latency audio streaming software, Alexander is expertly equipped for the technological demands of post-pandemic teaching that demands comfort with flexible modalities and personalized curriculums.

This website will serve as a platform for sharing resources on educational software and hardware.